Friday, February 19, 2010

Bath Caddy with Wine Glass Holder, Aromatherapy Candle Holder or Book Rest?

I would guess that if you were to ask someone what sort of caddy they would prefer for the bathtub, they would probably just shrug their shoulders. A bath caddy is not something that most people will give a lot of thought. It is the sort of thing you only notice by its absence, when you are lazing in the tub and realize there is no soap, or some other item you really need for your soak.

For those people who really like to indulge themselves by long periods of relaxation in the bathtub, the bath caddy can take on a different dimension. The caddy can become the equivalent of the living room’s entertainment center. Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but you can certainly add a few accessories to the bath tub caddy that help you to enjoy your soak all the more. Those few little extras can add more than you might imagine if you are not a bath time relaxation connoisseur.

What sort of “extras” are we talking about? Well, what do some people want to do in the bath to enhance their bathroom leisure time to a new level of relaxation? The bath caddy manufacturers have thought about that and come up with a few ideas to add to the basic caddy. Each will not necessarily appeal to everybody, but there is a fair chance that at least one will appeal to you, and you may not even have thought of it as something a caddy would help you out with.

The three most popular bath caddy accessories or add-ons, all make a contribution to your bath leisure time, but in very different ways. One is the provision of an attached candle holder. This might appeal especially to those who enjoy the fragrance of aromatherapy oils while in the tub. That way, you have a triple contribution to the relaxation therapy of a soak in the tub: the water’s therapeutic value is added to by that of the candlelight and the fragrance of the oils you choose. Make sure it’s something relaxing when you choose the essential oils.

Also popular as an attachment to a caddy is a book rack. Many people enjoy reading in the bath, just topping up the water every now and then to keep it warm, and some caddies provide racks that can accommodate your book for you while your arms relax and unwind.

Finally, if you like a sip of wine as you bathe, some caddies now come with a wine glass holder so that you have somewhere a little more secure to rest your wine glass while soaking in the tub. Maybe you like all three of these bath time activities. Well, insist on a caddy with all three attachments.

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